The data could not be more clear:
Positive culture change is at once the greatest opportunity and the most direct path to improved performance for the vast majority of enterprises. But organizational culture is hands-down the least understood and most under-managed attribute of virtually all organizations–full stop.
The body of research on organizational culture is both voluminous and complex. Simply put, organizational culture is the aggregate of the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of all of the constituents of an organization.
In other words, Everything.
Our Dynamic Culture Model makes the rather arcane subject matter a bit more practical and user-friendly, while preserving the principle by reducing it to a set of its essential elements, which we call dynamics. A working knowledge of the core dynamics, organizing dynamics and organic dynamics promotes genuine understanding and provides a vocabulary and framework for the assessment, planning and systematic transformation of the ecosystem that is every organization’s true culture
The program employs an holistic approach, applying project management techniques to methodically guide the pursuit of purpose-driven performance excellence through sustainable managed culture transformation to create a dynamic organization and set the stage for its continued evolution and progress–starting at the top with the enlightenment of its leadership group.
Organized in four phases, CultureDYNAMICS undertakes in building-block fashion to sequentially educate, evaluate, elevate and ultimately perpetuate the optimum culture for each client organization.
The Dynamic Culture Model is the visual architecture of the program. Looking a bit like an earth-bound solar system, it provides a three-dimensional tool for understanding organizational culture broadly, assessing the cultural status quo and designing your own Dynamic Culture–the one that best suits the specific goals and unique character of your Dynamic Organization.
With this system of culture by design, it’s well within the grasp of virtually any enterprise to become a Dynamic Organization with a more fully engaged workforce led by enlightened leaders. We can help make that happen for committed organizations.
Culture is the power–The Force, if you like–that drives performance, and the true brand of every organization.
CultureDYNAMICS is the way forward–may The Force be with you!
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