We think of ourselves as Engagement Strategists and Culture Collaborators. That is, we collaborate with the leadership of companies and organizations to enhance their culture, increase workforce engagement and thus improve organizational performance, whatever their purpose, mission or endeavor. 

Building upon decades of direct experience in a wide variety of business and institutional settings, our approach to Comprehensive Culture Transformation embodies our notion of BETTER as a fundamental concept in our quest to create workforce engagement and positive, productive, fully evolved cultures–one client at a time. All with the ultimate objective of improving organizational performance on a continuous basis.

We provide services and information ranging from awareness to transformation–private culture analysis and consultation, coaching and learning to individuals, companies and institutions wishing to realize the virtually boundless upside of enhanced organizational culture in all its dimensions, including enlightened leadership, positive culture evolution, workforce engagement, and organizational structures tailored to the unique character of each client organization. It’s all we do.

The overwhelming preponderance of the evidence makes it clear that positive culture change is at once the greatest opportunity and most direct path to improved performance for the vast majority of enterprises. And yet organizational culture is hands-down the least understood and most chronically under-managed attribute of virtually every organization. Our mandate is to change that–one client at a time.

Based upon our understanding that culture and leadership are two sides of the same coin–and the drivers of engagement–we confront the disconnect head-on by starting at the very top of the organization, working first with senior leadership as both a critical prerequisite and the key ingredient in addressing the cultural transformation of the broader organization.

At a time when study after study reveals that only about a third of the US workforce is engaged at work, nearly 90% of more than 3,000 business leaders in a recent survey cite ‘engagement’ as their top issue, and 84% of the 9,000 executives participating in Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends survey say they need to “…rethink their workforce experience to improve productivity”. And in September 2022, GALLUP’s latest survey again revealed that less than a third of the US workforce is engaged at work, and 50% or more are “Quiet Quitters“. It’s palpable that a new leadership/culture paradigm is required to remain competitive and optimize performance at all organizational levels. 

Keep in mind that much of this predates the pandemic upheaval in our work and in our lives that reverberated in every corner of the world–and which not only makes the engagement of our workforce at once more difficult and complex, but even more vital than perhaps ever before. We have yet to know the full extent of the havoc that will ultimately have been wrought, the lasting effects of the COVID Culture, or exactly what the ‘next normal‘ that is beginning to take shape will ultimately look like. But we do know that adaptability and resilience require optimal engagement and nimble leadership.

Of course, nothing happens in a vacuum. The August 2019 Statement on the purpose of a Corporation issued by the Business Roundtable emphasizing the “…fundamental commitment to all of our stakeholders”–as opposed to the explicit and exclusive focus on only the financial interests of shareholders it had held sacrosanct for over two decades–had already added further urgency and scope to our Mission, while validating our Purpose. Now the movement toward toward ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ is accelerating and gaining momentum, as evidenced, for example, by the Davos Manifesto.

Likewise the rapidly growing emphasis on ESG–Environmental, Social, and Governance–in the investment community is also driving companies to reconsider their priorities, creating additional demand for the sort of services we are uniquely positioned to deliver. Companies’ and institutions’ approach to COVID-19 became an instant and integral element of ESG on a global scale. We have noted recent controversy around this subject emanating from the political sphere. But apart from our conscious effort to  to avoid such influences, we share the evidence-based position of the investment management community that ESG and related cultural approaches produce better performance and greater yields–the data simply don’t lie.

With the benefit of decades of hands-on experience in the C-suites and Board rooms of companies and institutions large, medium and small; public and private; in industries ranging from energy to biomedical technology to real estate, transportation and insurance, and to venture capital and private equity, we are uniquely well-equipped to assist organizations of all types and sizes develop the paradigm best suited to their particular vision, mission and circumstances.

We are committed to continuous positive culture evolution–the development of organizations in perpetual pursuit of performance excellence–driven by Purpose, governed by Values.

It’s a big job.

It’s important.

We can help.

Call us.


+1 832 699 6146
