
random relevancies

Employee Engagement Sinks to 10-Year Low

Signaling a worsening vulnerability for business, the US workforce engagement rate for 2024 fell to just 31%–it’s lowest level in a decade, Gallup announced this week (14 Jan 25). Coupled with its employee satisfaction survey reported below, which indicates more than half of the workforce is watching for or actively seeking a new job, the performance of corporate leadership and management can only be termed dismal. 

The harsh reality is that a low engagement level is a reflection of poor culture, and poor culture is a function of lousy leadership. The ‘good’ news is that we have plenty of room for improvement.

–KWM January 2025

Employee Satisfaction
Has Reached a Historic Low

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

–KWM 2024

It’s the Culture, Stupid!
Keep it Simple!

–KWM 2024

“It is not necessary to change.  Survival is not mandatory.”

–W. Edwards Deming

No More Mr. Nice Guy?

“The Problem with Traditional Command-and-Control Performance Management:  
It Never Worked”

GALLUP confirms the obvious:

It Never Worked.
It Never Will.

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision”

–Helen Adams Keller

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”


Doing the right thing is always
the Right Thing.

Cicero said so.
Dr. Tanno Explains.

Success is a Team Sport.
If you don’t believe that, you’re not succeeding.

–KWM 2023

is it a Thing?

Gallup tells us 50% or more of the US workforce are 

what’s that?

In his latest book, ‘Simple Truths of Leadership’, written with Randy Conley, Ken Blanchard–he of One Minute Manager fame–devotes the first half of the book to ‘Servant Leadership’, and lists the following as “SIMPLE TRUTH #1”:

“Servant Leadership is the best way to achieve
both great results and great relationships.”

Our colleague, Dr Janice Tanno, wrote her doctoral dissertation on the subject, and provides this primer.

The ‘New Capitalism’ Isn’t

Whether one refers to it as ‘ESG’, ‘Stakeholder’, or the recently coined and much over-worked pejorative, ‘Woke’, it’s really nothing new–ironically, it can be traced back to Adam Smith; reinforced by Ralph Waldo Emerson; shredded by Milton Friedman; championed by R. Edward Freeman; embraced by the UN, the Business Roundtable, The World Economic Forum, and myriad others. So why all the fuss now?

–KWM June 2022

Guest Contributor Michael Stephenson
June 2022

It doesn’t happen by accident…

The Politicization of Profit?

“The way to make people trust-worthy is to trust them.”

–Ernest Hemingway 


Writing in The Wall Street Journal this week, Miriam Gottfried reports on the creation of Ownership Works by a group of 19 large private equity firms, including Apollo, Ares, KKR, Leonard Green & Partners, Silver Lake, TPG, and Warburg Pincus. 

A coalition of more than 60 groups also including banks, pension funds, and others, the organization has adopted a mission of widely promoting employee stock ownership programs, and a specific goal of creating at least $20 billion in wealth for low-and-middle-income workers over the next decade. Anna-Lisa Miller, executive director of the effort, describes it as recognizing that employees at all levels and in all roles are “true value-creators”.

Founded by KKR’s Pete Stavros, non-profit Ownership Works will focus on providing companies with resources to help them adopt employee-ownership programs, funding academic research, and potentially pushing for new government incentives. Stavros states that, “Giving ownership to lower-level employees better aligns their interests with those of management and shareholders, makes them more engaged, and creates a stronger culture.”

We would concur, and we also agree with Ms Gottfried, who said in a recent interview on the subject, that, “…it isn’t just a charity endeavor. This isn’t just about doing good. There’s actually evidence that this helps companies perform better.”

Yes, Ownership does indeed Work–for everyone.

–KWM April 2022

UPDATE May 2022………………..More Evidence




The World justifiably marvels at the resilience and genuinely stunning resistance of the Ukrainian military–and it’s populace–in the face of the overwhelming capacity and seemingly insurmountable power of its behemoth invading neighbor…come what may, this phenomenon will stand as the best recent example of what happens when a group of people embrace a common purpose, shared values and the alignment of individual and group goals. This does not happen by accident–it can only be possible through inspired, enlightened leadership.

–KWM March 2022

To VAX, or Not to VAX–

That is the Question??


–KWM February 2022


An organization not comprised of people of common purpose and shared values will inevitably see its culture–and its performance–disintegrate. And if the safety and well-being of its people is not key among its core values, the organization itself is likely destined to fail–if it hasn’t already.

–KWM August 2021

Enlightened Leaders...

…know that E = 1/K

–K Miller—2020

Shareholder Capitalism vs Stakeholder Capitalism…

…what’s the kerfuffle all about?

–K Miller–October 2020

COVID Culture—Here to Stay?

An opportunity in the making?

–K Miller—July 2020

Does Positive Culture Really Affect Performance?

Spoiler Alert:  Yes!

–K Miller—July 2020

COVID Culture Goes Viral

A new paradigm for how we work?…Maybe so.

–K Miller—April 2020


Gallup Announces Record-High Employee Engagement in US...

Great News…Right?

–K Miller—February 2020

Rethinking the Role of Business in Society?

About Time!…

–K Miller—January 2020

The Business Roundtable Has a Great New Idea!

…or does it?…

–K Miller—October 2019 | August 2020

( OK….we’ll do it, dammit! )