• Comprehend E = 1/K 
  • View Leadership as a role rather than a rank—believe that leading is serving
  • Waste no time trying to lead by anything other than example
  • Understand that truth and transparency assure Trust
  • Have more questions than answers—know what they don’t know and freely admit it
  • Recognize that none of us is as smart as all of us
  • Take responsibility—but never credit
  • Reject the status quo—seek Perpetual Improvement
  • Know that doing the right thing is always the Right Thing—doing well comes from doing good
  • Encourage creativity, but require Collaboration
  • Empower rather than compel—Trust by default
  • Acknowledge that creating value is prerequisite to realizing profit—take the long view
  • Are purposeful—focused on Vision, Values, Mission
  • Don’t need a reserved parking slot or corner office to be important
  • Get that their success is no greater than the sum of the individual successes of those they lead

KWM 2019, 2023