

    …and what if we don’t?

Sep 2016 / updated Oct 2023

If it was, everyone would be doing it.
They’re Not.

Feb 2018 / updated Nov 2019

 Jul 2020 / updated  December 2021

                We have met the enemy…

Nov 2016 / updated  Oct 2023

Feb 2020


Better Get Your SHIP Together!

(Leader-SHIP, that is…)

Jul 2015 / updated 2022

A new Age of Reason?…Not Really

Oct 2017 / updated Oct 2019

 Deliver us from Death-by-Powerpoint

Nov 2019

Travis, meet Pogo

 Jun 2017


A new paradigm for how we work?
…Maybe so

Apr 2020

                                Jul 2020


More perfect…

Jan 2016 / updated Nov 2021

        Management by cliché?

Jan 2018 / updated Oct 2019


      Friedman succumbs to Emerson

Oct 2019 / updated Aug 2020

Too late for these guys maybe…

Apr 2020

Shareholder vs Stakeholder Capitalism

…what’s the kerfuffle all about?

Oct 2020 / updated January 2022


    …and what if we don’t?

Sep 2016 / updated Feb 2020

If it was, everyone would be doing it.
They’re Not.

Feb 2018 / updated Nov 2019

 Jul 2020 

                We have met the enemy…

Nov 2016 / updated  Aug 2019

Feb 2020


Better Get Your SHIP Together!

(Leader-SHIP, that is…)

Jul 2015

A new Age of Reason?…Not Really

Oct 2017 / updated Oct 2019

 Deliver us from Death-by-Powerpoint

Nov 2019

Travis, meet Pogo

 Jun 2017


A new paradigm for how we work?
…Maybe so

Apr 2020

                                Jul 2020


More perfect…

Jan 2016 / updated Nov 2019

        Management by cliché?

Jan 2018 / updated Oct 2019


      Friedman succumbs to Emerson

Oct 2019 / updated Aug 2020

Too late for these guys maybe…

Apr 2020

Shareholder vs Stakeholder Capitalism

…what’s the kerfuffle all about?

Oct 2020